
Syllabus for 6th Grade Science & Social Studies

Mrs. Wynne

Welcome to 6th Grade at South Pittsburg Elementary School!!! I am looking forward to a wonderful and productive year. This syllabus contains important information that you will need to have a successful year in my Science and Social Studies class.




The following supplies are required daily to be considered READY for Science & Social Studies class.

1.     Science & Social Studies Textbook

2.     Science & Social Studies Folder

3.     Pencil(sharpened), Paper, etc…

4.     Planner

5.     Binder(This will be used to create their Science Notebook)

On occasion you may need colored pencils and highlighters


Students must complete their planner for each class and are required to have it signed by a parent a minimum of once a week. My assignment board is very large in size and daily assignments will remain posted for a full week (Ex Monday’s assignments remains until the following Monday, etc)


Daily Work

Homework is accepted the day after it is assigned unless otherwise stated (large papers or projects). LATE WORK receives NO credit. ANY assignment not turned in by the due date will earn a zero. Makeup work is the responsibility of the student. The student will only have the amount of time missed to make up assignments for an excused absence. It is the student’s responsibility to complete this WITHOUT reminders from the teacher. I will have trays at the front of the room for each class period that contains worksheets or handouts that are missed by a student. These papers will have the students’ name on them. If the student missed a test or quiz, they can see me before or after class to make arrangements to make that up. Each unexcused absence results in automatic zeros for ALL work missed.


Tests and Quizzes

          I require that ALL tests be returned with a parent’s signature. Any student that is RESPONSIBLE and returns the test the following day will receive 5 bonus points added to the test grade. Parents will be notified if the test is not returned by the end of the week. I do not require a signature on Quizzes but if a student is RESPONSIBLE enough to return a quiz signed the following day, they will receive 5 bonus points added to the grade.






          I take cheating very seriously. ANY student caught cheating will earn a zero. If another student is allowing the cheating off their work, both will earn a zero. The assignment will be sent home for parents to see.  NO EXCEPTIONS!!!



          Here is how your Science grade will be determined:

                             Tests/Quizzes                 40%

                             9-Weeks Project             15%

                               Science Notebook          15%

                             Daily Work                    25%

                             Class Participation           5%

(This is subject to change)





Contact Information

I encourage parental involvement and welcome contact by the parents. Please feel free to contact the school at 837-6117 to set up a conference time or e-mail me at







Mrs. Wynne’s Classroom Rules



1.     Be READY!

Be in your assigned seat with all of your supplies and ready to begin class .



Treat teachers, adults, and fellow classmates with respect at all times.



 Be responsible for your own materials, assignments, actions, and words.







Please read over and discuss this syllabus with your child. It is required that both of you sign and return this form. This means that parents and students understand what is expected in my classroom. Feel free to contact me anytime if you have any further questions or concerns.

This will be the first grade of the year. A “100” is earned for being RESPECTFUL enough to follow directions, being RESPONSIBLE and returning the form the following day, and being READY to begin class with the first assignment in hand.



____________________________              _________________________________

            Student’s Signature                                                   Parent’s Signature